aims to create a global wide network of cooperation and union between acting or former police officers, law enforcement agents, servicemen/servicewomen, firefighters, intelligence officers, national security agents as well as any other person who is serving or has served in a similar government entity involved in crime prevention, law enforcement, protection of order and the safety of the people, national security etc.
To support international cooperation between people and provide help and enhanced opportunities for efficient expert collaboration during natural disasters, crisis, etc
To encourage and contribute to the peaceful coexistence between people and the preservation of world peace
To improve the image and prestige of the profession and raise awareness of the risks of the profession
To create an international bond of friendship, support and mutual respect between members of the police services worldwide
To promulgate information about the organization and its goals and improve the international recognizability of the organization as the only global international police organization
Support worldwide adherence to the principles of the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights
Establish ensuring and protecting the rule of law, tolerance, non-discrimination, peace and respect for law and order
Provide support and assisstance to members who are in need
Participation in national and international programs, projects and events.
Organizing exchange programs, mutual trips, social gatherings, events and visits of members etc.
Any other activities pursuing the objectives described above, alone or in partnership with other organizations.
Carrying out research of scientific and practical nature on issues of interest to the IPA members
Issue publications and statements, organizing and conducting campaigns
Providing expert and emergency assistance in crisis / emergency situations
Organizing and conducting sports and cultural events, competitions, exhibitions, etc
Establishing contacts with similar organizations around the world, including through the exchange of individuals and groups
Organizing and conducting congresses, symposia, conferences, professional seminars, discussions, training and other similar events around the world. Explaining to the public the tasks and responsibilities of police officers
Establishing and maintaining cooperation with higher education institutions and research institutes in the field of policing, as well as with other governmental and non - governmental organizations worldwide
Bettering the cooperation and communication between the state and municipal authorities and IPA or the authorized national branch of IPA